General terms and conditions

1. Supplier is a business company, YOKLA Ltd., with seat at Okružná 9991/12, 940 02  Nové Zámky, registered in the trade register of Regional Court in Nitra, Ltd. unit, file number 39220/N. The Supplier is  VAT payer.

Showroom and warehouse:

YOKLA s.r.o.

Komárňanská 70
947 01  Hurbanovo

Telefón : +421 35 760 26 89
Fax : + 421 35 760 30 99

ID number: 48254223

VAT ID: SK2120105691

2. Purchaser is a legal or physical person who got registered by sending an electronic form or who by any other means sent a valid order with contact and invoice details.

3. Purchase contract is concluded on the basis of purchaser order.

4. Products are those goods or services which are found in the YOKLA Ltd. offer.

5. Ordering methods. Products are to be ordered online directly from the web page, if they are marked to be in stock. Your order will be then automatically proceeded and you will be informed in written form or by phone about its accomplishment throughout the whole process. In other cases it is important to send your order by email or fax. If so, we will confirm your order within 48 hours. The order is considered valid if the form is filled in all its fields. The order is also a purchase contract draft and is valid when the purchaser pays the product value to supplier’s bank account on the basis of sent electronic invoice, or issued by invoice department.

6. Supplier’s responsibility is to deliver the type and amout of product in agreed price which was valid on the day of receiving order, in quality that complies with the actual standards, regulations and restrictions valid on the area of SR.

7. Purchaser’s responsibility is to pay the purchase price according to the payment conditions that are valid on the day of order dispatch, to accept and check the product, its amount and completness, to report immediately possible claims.

8. Purchaser has the right to cancel the order anytime before its binding confirmation. After the binding confirmation the order can be cancelled only in case when supplier doesn’t follow the agreed delivery conditions. If still to be cancelled, the purchaser is obliged to pay the suppliers damages, particularly in case of customized order and when supplier had verifiable expenses to attain this product.

9. Withdrawal from the purchasing contract. It is possible to return the products bought via   on-line shopping without leaving a reason up to 14 days since the product was delivered. It is necessary to return the porduct to provided shop address together with order number and written request. To what extent the contract is abolished, the supplier will return all payments within 15 days. You can also withdraw from the contract in written form, electronically at Expenses to return the product are to be payed by purchaser. In case the goods are in other than undamaged state, the customer is obliged to pay for expenses connected with bringing the product back to its original state. We reserve our right to refuse product which was delivered as customized to customer and is not possible to objectively pass it onto another customer.

10. Deliveries of ordered product will be accomplished according to product accessibility and shipping possibilities of supplier in the shortest possible time. Product wich is on stock is usually shipped within 5 days and customized goods usually from 1 to 12 weeks from binding confirmation. Shipment to delivery address is arranged by supplier and payed by purchaser if not agreed otherwise within the order. Date and the way of delivery will be announced in advance by phone by the forwarder´s employee. Delivery is fulfilled when the payed goods are delivered to stated address, without installation and other handling. Purchaser will confirm to have accepted product in delivery sheet.

11. Privacy policy. Purchaser announces to agree in sense of the following Slovak law: regulation §7 paragraph 1 of statute No.428/2002 Collection of laws, about privacy policy as in subsequent amendments to allow supplier to manage and store his or her personal information. Purchaser is obliged to fill in all marked fields which is a term in order to be able to conclude purchase contract. Supplier contracts and involved information are not the subject to be disclosed to third parties. This agreement purchaser gives to supplier is for indefinite period. By customer, newsletter applicant, survey participant registration and by other forms of registration you agree you can be informed about news  in our on-line store by e.mail or phone. Agreement expires 1 month after the delivery of agreement cancellation from purchaser to supplier was received.